Church is so much more than a Sunday morning. Jesus invites us to follow him daily as we find our identity in who he says we are and live for him in all we do. We'd love to help you figure out your next steps, regardless of where you're on your faith journey.
Here at Harbor, we break these down according to what we call our Discipleship Pathway as we Learn about Jesus, Serve in Community, and Give to God’s Kingdom.
Learn about Jesus
Starting Point
We know that getting connected to a new church can be a challenge, so we have specifically designed Starting Point as the place to find information about our church, our faith, and our growing community. We hope you’ll just us for our next meeting!
We believe spiritual growth happens best in the context of relationships. That’s why we encourage every person who's serious about following Jesus to get involved in a Group. Click the button below to find the group that’s right for you!
Serve in Community
Serving with others is another great way to connect to the people at Harbor and your passions. We are always looking to add people to our Teams. If you’re interested in joining a Team, click the button below!
Mission Trips
We believe in the value of sharing the Gospel and intentionally support our global partners through short-term mission trips! From Casa de la Esperanza in Mexico to One Heart in Greece and a number of other partners in between, we’d love for you to consider attending a trip. Click below for a list of upcoming trips.
Give to the Kingdom
Mission Partners
As the Church, we are called to preach the gospel and care for those in need locally and globally. One of the ways we do that is by supporting strategic mission partners around the world financially and by sending teams.
We believe that we are all stewards of what God has entrusted to us and are called to worship God with our finances as we invest in our local church, community, and world. Click below to partner with Harbor financially as we Make Jesus Tangible locally and globally.