Why do we give?
We believe that we are all stewards of what God has entrusted to us and are called to worship God with our finances as we invest in our local church, community, and world. Scripture teaches that tithing is both a God-ordained physical practice and a powerful spiritual discipline. When we give our first and best to God through our local church, God blesses in so many ways. Generosity is an act of worship that expresses our gratitude, faith, and love for others.
We value your generosity - your financial gifts make ministry possible! That’s why we’ve simplified online giving to make it simple and easy for you to give securely. Give online using your credit or debit card, or by electronic check. You can also schedule recurring gifts, change the schedule or amount of future gifts, and review your online giving history.
Giving Online
Mail-in giving is a traditional and reliable method of giving. This form of giving allows donors to send their contributions via postal services, offering a tangible and personal way to engage. You can send your mail-in giving to the address below.
9101 Harlan St. Suite 230 Westminster, CO 80031
The text-to-give option offers a seamless and immediate way for members to contribute financially, directly from their mobile phones. This method enhances the convenience of supporting church activities and missions, fostering a culture of giving in an increasingly digital world. This is a simple and fast option we hope you’ll consider taking part in.
Text a $ amount to 84321
To donate non-cash gifts—stocks, bonds, and mutual funds—either as current gifts or as planned gifts as a portion of your estate, please contact our Executive Pastor, Ryan Ingram, by phone at 303-381-9743 or email by clicking HERE.
Non-Cash Giving
God provides for the ministry of Harbor Church through your generosity. We honor your gifts with faithful stewardship, ethical business practices, and full accountability so that the financial integrity of Harbor remains beyond reproach. Thank you for partnering with us to Make Jesus Tangible locally and globally.

Making Jesus Tangible. One Life at a Time.
God is providing beyond measure for Harbor in 2024! We have an abundance of milestones worth celebrating. Click the button below to view 2024’s Yearend Impact Report.